Daily Archives: March 28, 2013

Burning Swamp Introduces – Amanda Schumacher

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Oh man. It’s here. Thursday. Burning Swamp Day. So, so, so, so exciting.

Are *you* going to be there tonight?

We certainly hope so.

To stoke your excitement, like a burgeoning flame, we’re going to give you our final reader for tonight. Last, but most certainly not least, we have GSU’s very own Amanda Schumacher. First of all, she’s talented – just wait until tonight – but second of all, she brought up this author’s all-time-no-doubt-about-it-you-have-to-be-kidding-if-you-think-otherwise-I-mean-it’s-a-dinosaur-for-crying-outloud cryptozoological creature. So let’s get to it:

What’s your favorite cryptozoological creature?

I have to go old school on this and say the Loch Ness Monster.  Whether depicted as an adorable cartoon character, a terrifying paleontological monster, or a little sponge with a straw scotch taped to it, I’m a true believer in Nessie.  We are talking about an aquatic dinosaur who is also Scottish.  That’s the total package.


Do you believe in swamp primates?

Absolutely.  Though, full disclosure, when I read this I thought it said “Swamp Pirates.”  Which I would also believe in.  And hope they would get their own reality TV show so I could TiVo it.

What should be done about all of the recent swamp primate attacks?

Like many of life’s problems, the best solution is a dance party.

Amanda Schumacher grew up in the snowy north of Minnesota and Wisconsin—then elected to stay there for years, but it was only because she didn’t know any better.  She received her Master’s Degree from Iowa State University, and received her MFA from Minnesota State University Mankato.  While at Mankato she was recognized as the Andreas Scholar, and given the extreme honor of reading with George Saunders (one of her idols).    She is currently finishing her manuscript, The Lightning Gospels.  In her spare time, she enjoys crafting bios that make her sound more interesting.